
Professor Jørn Wulff Helge

ECSS President Professor Jørn Wulff Helge

Paris 2023 - A Unique Opportunity

Last year, we held our 27th annual congress in Sevilla in early September - a wonderful meeting, where it was finally possible to be together again for scientific and social interactions. We're now working hard on our next congress - ECSS Paris 2023, 4-7 July 2023. Abstract submission was open from 1 December 2022 to 15 February 2023 (approximately 11 weeks) for submissions to: oral presentations, conventional print posters and e-posters. Scientists were also able to apply or opt in for the ECSS Young Investigators Award and the GSSI Sports Nutrition Award. During this period, a total of 2,770 abstracts were submitted. In addition to general congress abstract submission, the Invited Programme also received a total of 143 proposals, which were made up of 406 abstracts. The full scientific programme can now be found here.

We released the plenaries and symposia taking place across the three day congress schedule (5-7 July), as well as the programme for the pre-congress day (4 July). This year's pre-congress day will feature an exciting GSSI symposium highlighting key sports nutrition and performance topics. It will also feature a symposium organised by the IOC Medical Committee: “Olympic Games Paris 2024 Medical Planning”. This will focus on central medical considerations and aspects for the Paris Olympic Games taking place in 2024 and is a very unique opportunity. We encourage you to be part of this fantastic event, and to enjoy Paris as much as possible before four busy congress days! Explore • Enlighten • Perform!

For now, we're back to our usual schedule of having the ECSS congress in early July, as the world has returned to at least some normality and is adjusting to living with COVID-19. Together, with our local host, INSEP, and our Congress President, Gäel Guilhem, we truly hope that you will take the opportunity to bring your very best sports science to Paris, the city of light!

The ECSS Paris 2023 scientific programme offers a broad interdisciplinary spectrum of current research in sport science. The highlights of the congress will be the three plenary sessions, 35 invited symposia, and the Young Investigators Award (YIA) presentations and competition. In addition, there will be a huge amount of excellent sport science oral, poster and e-poster presentations, where we hope there will be fruitful discussions and interactions. Moreover, the SportEx exhibition will showcase state-of-the-art sports science equipment, products and organisations. Not to mention the social interactions and catch ups with colleagues during coffee and lunch breaks, at the opening and farewell reception and the Friday Night Party.

ECSS is a member-based association that relies on our members' scientific input and participation to maintain scientific excellence and to reach and integrate young researchers across Europe and indeed, most of the world. ECSS relies on members taking on opportunities to join our committees and boards, that together, with our skilled employees, run the ECSS office and organise the annual congress. Please consider supporting the ECSS by putting your name forward for the various committees, boards and reviewing panels that comprise our wonderful College.

Professor Alexander Ferrauti

ECSS President ElectProfessor Alexander Ferrauti

A Spirit of Optimism

A remarkable number of 2,770 abstract submissions alongside the first warm spring messengers allow us to look to Paris with hope. Gone are the dark Corona days with one-dimensional screen sessions and presentations without facial expressions and gestures that are hidden behind protective masks. An ECSS congress in Paris that breaks records on all levels and that finally gives sports science back the social glamour it deserves is upon us!

Invest a little more time and come to Paris on Monday 3 July, when our local host and congress organiser will open their doors to the public and invites you to visit their fantastic facilities at the Institute of Performance in Paris (INSEP), and for our exciting pre-congress day on Tuesday 4 July.

Sport scientists travelling from all continents can experience an outstanding scientific programme with plenary and invited sessions on hot topics, and unique and mysterious titles such as: “Fifty Shades of Fatigue: Which Colour is the Elephant in the Room?”. In addition, we are very happy to once again welcome many established and new special interest groups (SIGs) as the perfect platform for topic related networking. SportEx will deliver an extensive exhibition which will contain dedicated presentation areas for partners and exhibitors. Come and take part in our social events and enjoy a vibrant Bengt Saltin Run along the river Seine during the morning.

Sport science as a very young multidisciplinary science still deserves an increase in social recognition. ECSS Paris 2023 provides another outstanding opportunity to gain increased visibility and fulfill the missions and visions of the College. Important target fields, such as high performance sport, including scientific support of elite Olympic athletes, as well as health related research in physical education and for recreational sport settings, will be addressed. Let us come together and celebrate the story of success and spread the evidence of sport science research to the public. In doing so, we also aim to expand the professional market of the young sports scientist accordingly.

I’m personally very proud to make a small contribution to this great goal. Work is pure joy when it’s done with a perfect team of full-time ECSS professionals and highly engaged board members and good colleagues. But not only that! During the exciting time of congress preparation, close friendships have developed with the highly committed host institution members, firstly, Gaël Guilhem as congress president. INSEP, as one of the world’s foremost Olympic and Paralympic training centres, stands shoulder to shoulder with the ECSS and delivers fantastic and exceptional support.

Merci à tous ceux qui contribuent à la diffusion de nos grands objectifs. Rendez-vous à Paris, la Ville Lumière!