Mission 2

Empower the development of young scientists

Mission 2


Every year ECSS organises a variety of awards that put young scientists in the spotlight.

Young scientists have the opportunity of entering these prestigious awards for scientific excellence, where their outstanding work can be presented at the ECSS annual congress. The awards include:

  • Young Investigators Award (YIA) – Orals
  • Young Investigators Award (YIA) – Posters
  • GSSI Sports Nutrition Award

Today many former YIA winners are still closely connected to the College and even support the ECSS on its boards and committees. The award has functioned for previous YIA winners as a starting point of their scientific careers.

Results for ECSS Sevilla 2022

Young Investigators Award - Oral Presentations
1st Place:
Chiel Poffé, Belgium
Intermittent exogenous ketosis facilitates the rehabilitation of muscle disuse atrophy
2nd Place:
Maarten Overkamp, The Netherlands
Resistance-type exercise training counteracts the impact of androgen deprivation therapy on muscle fibre characteristics in prostate cancer patients
3rd Place:
Sven Egger, Switzerland
Short-term balance consolidation relies on the involvement of the primary motor cortex (M1): a rTMS study
Young Investigators Award - Poster Presentations
1st Place:
Thorben Aussieker, Germany
Collagen ad whey protein ingestion do not increase muscle connective tissue protein synthesis rates during recovery from exercise in male and female recreational athletes
2nd Place:
Bas Van Hooren, The Netherlands
Estimation of energy expenditure in professional cyclists using power data: Validation against doubly-labelled water
3rd Place:
Maria Venegas-Carro, Germany
Jumping vs. running: Effects of exercise modality in a six-week high-intensity interval training on aerobic capacity and neuromuscular performance
GSSI Sports Nutrition Award - Oral Presentations
1st Place:
Devin McCarthy, Canada
Effect of acute ketone body supplementation on cardiorespiratory exercise responses and the influence of blood acidosis: A randomized, crossover trial
2nd Place:
Stefan Kadach, UK
Uptake and utilization of 15N-labelled dietary nitrate by skeletal muscle
3rd Place:
Samantha Rowland, UK
Effect of acute dietary nitrate supplementation on cardiovascular function and exercise tolerance in women using oral contraceptive pills

Travel Grants

Every year ECSS and its partners offer a number of travel grants to its members. In 2022, travel grants were awarded to ECSS members in:







South Africa

South Africa



